Online-Therapy is a straightforward teletherapy option that may be a good fit for those who prefer the flexibility of having multiple ways to communicate with their provider, as it offers unlimited messaging along with live chat, audio and video sessions. It also offers a slate of helpful resources to provide support between sessions, including educational materials, journaling, activity plans and more. Its network of providers all hold a master’s or doctorate in mental health fields, and the platform requires they have a minimum of three years of experience or 2,000 hours of providing counseling services.

Introduction is a straightforward teletherapy option that may be a good fit for those who prefer the flexibility of having multiple ways to communicate with their provider, as it offers unlimited messaging along with live chat, audio and video sessions. It also offers a slate of helpful resources to provide support between sessions, including educational materials, journaling, activity plans and more. Its network of providers all hold a master’s or doctorate in mental health fields, and the platform requires they have a minimum of three years of experience or 2,000 hours of providing counseling services.



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